N.H. Virtual Employment Law Summit Series: Options for Dealing with Your Employees' COVID-19 Challenges

October 22, 2020 at 8:30am9:30am

For over 25 years, Preti Flaherty's Employment Law Group has been keeping clients, business partners and friends up to date on recent employment law developments through our annual Employment Law Summits. Earlier this summer we were forced to cancel our in-person conferences due to COVID-19, but we've spent the summer planning the Virtual Employment Law Summit webinar series.

The pandemic has imposed unprecedented challenges on working families, motivating employees to request accommodations to working hours, workplaces, and duties. HR managers face highly fact-specific scenarios — associated with childcare responsibilities, family circumstances and employees' health concerns — where creative solutions are needed to retain talent and maintain productivity. Matthew LaMourie will discuss the legal considerations in play when COVID-19 prevents employees from returning to work.