
Addressing Performance Issues and Discipline in this New World

March 18, 2021 at 8:30am9:30am

Addressing performance and discipline has been low on the priority list for the past year. In that period, employers have learned a great deal about their operation and the strengths and weaknesses of the workforce. There may be some return to normal operations and a desire to make changes based on the lessons learned, but there will be challenges. Many employees have taken protected leave and perceive changes as retaliatory, some may wish to continue with the flexible work arrangements that do not fit within the employer's plans, or some could have developed medical issues that interfere with the ability to perform. And with vaccinations becoming more available, employers may have to address how to accommodate employees who decline to be vaccinated based on a religious objection or disability. In this session, Peter Callaghan will discuss how to make desired changes and return to addressing performance issues and taking disciplinary action in the face of many obstacles.