
CATIC Spring Seminar - Weathering the Storm in the Title World

April 19, 2017 at 9:00am4:00pm
Grappone Conference Center, Concord, NH

On Wednesday, April 19 Peter Callaghan will present in front of a gathering of title insurance companies, as part of the CATIC Spring Education Seminar. Their presentation will provide insights on Sweeping the Sheds: Sustaining a Winning Team.

Full Speaker Lineup Includes

  • J. Tyler, SVP/Director Retail Lending, Sunapee Bank
  • Peter G. Callaghan, Esq., Preti Flaherty
  • John Scanlon, Senior Claims Counsel, CATIC
  • Colleen Copossela, President, CentricPro Management Services
  • Stephan Nix, Attorney at Law/Licensed Land Surveyor
  • William J. Amann Esq., Craig, Deachman & Amann PLLC

To register contact Maggie Brown by April 11
[email protected]