News & Press Coverage

Kate’s Homemade Butter owners awarded $1 million over faulty roof panels at Arundel factory

Portland Press Herald
June 23, 2015

A jury awarded Kate’s Homemade Butter owners Dan and Karen Patry more than $1 million in damages in their lawsuit against Branch River Plastics for installing faulty roof panels.

An Excerpt

The business, which produces more than 1 million pounds of butter a year, according to a 2013 Portland Press Herald with Dan Patry, needed to move out of its home-based location in an Old Orchard Beach neighborhood where it had operated since 1981. Because of the public pressure to move their business quickly, the Patrys decided to remove and replace the roof panel system in order to ensure the long-term operation and overall safety of their new facility in Arundel, according to the release.

Operations were moved to the new facility in February 2014 after the Patrys incurred “significant additional costs to remedy the problems they had discovered,” the release said.

Attorney Tim Bryant is also quoted in the article, saying, “We believe this is a fair and just outcome,” and that “the Patrys were not provided what they were promised and what they were provided was defective.”

Read the full article here.